We provide property professionals with fast, affordable and professional visual marketing solutions. With over 88% of prospect purchasers and 99% of Millennials turning online for their next purchase, professional visuals through the listing for a residential property is no longer a luxury…but a necessity.

Real Estate in a Digital Age
The real estate marketplace is changing. 90% of home buyers are aged 35 and younger, which means that millennials are a key niche for agents to target. These first time home buyers are used to using new technology and comfortable doing their own research prior to any agent outreach, so it’s important to stand out by leveraging newer technology for a successful real estate marketing program. Now more than ever, you have to show buyers and sellers what you bring to the table and how you add value. How do you set yourself apart and provide something different, something that no one else does? In a rapidly evolving landscape, how do you leverage new technology for a successful real estate marketing program? The immersive media solution is interactive Virtual Reality 3D Tours by Photographic Arts & Digital Services using Matterport technology.
Being the owner of a Matterport camera already, we make it hassle free for you to add Matterport to your listings, so you can focus on what you do best: SELLING
Put yourself in the shoes of a prospective buyer shopping for a home. You land on a realtor’s listing page and want to look around the house, and experience more than just photos and videos. You want to create a connection with the home. You want to experience what it’s like to actually live there. It’s fully interactive. Anywhere I click is where I’ll go. So if I wanted to go look around the living room, I just click to walk through the space as if I was really there. And the best part is that it is an ‘Open House’ 24/7. You can do this on your phone, iPad, or laptop without the need for special software.
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